Give Up Plastic for 30 Days with #theplasticdiet Challenge
Small swap outs can have a BIG impact on the environment
This January, an estimated 45 million people will start a diet to shed their extra holiday pounds and kickstart their New Year’s resolutions. They’ll try Paleo, Keto, Whole30, and a host of other nutrition approaches to slim down. But January isn’t just about having a healthier body. This year, it’s also about fostering a healthier environment with #theplasticdiet.
What is #theplasticdiet challenge?
In short, #theplasticdiet challenge is an exercise in plastic-free living. It’s a 30-day initiative in which you swap out your plastic products for plastic-free alternatives. For example, instead of buying a pack of plastic straws, which you’ll toss after one use, invest in metal or bamboo straws. You can reuse them and avoid unnecessary waste. The swap out might seem small, but if millions of people participate, #theplasticdiet challenge could have a profound effect on the environment.
Why #theplasticdiet challenge matters
Every year, nearly 300 million tons of plastic are produced, and roughly half of it is only used once. 91% of all plastic isn’t recycled – instead, 8 million tons of plastic garbage gets dumped in our oceans and landfills. This is traumatic for ocean wildlife.
Many animals are mistaking plastic for food, which can have a deadly outcome. Birds who consume plastic can pierce their intestines and die quickly. Sea turtles can become trapped in plastic netting and suffocate. If we aren’t more conscious of our plastic production and usage, we could endanger several vital animal species.
How to make the swap
Participating in #theplasticdiet challenge is easier than you think. The following everyday household items can be swapped for plastic-free alternatives with just the click of a button or a quick trip to your local grocery store:
- Plastic sandwich baggies: Instead of wrapping your kids’ lunches in disposable baggies, try BeeBAGZ™. They’re 100% plastic-free beeswax wrap baggies that are healthy for your family and the environment.
- Toothbrushes: Every year, billions of plastic toothbrushes are thrown away. Opt for the eco-friendlier bamboo toothbrush. Brands like Plus Ultra are available in grocery stores like Whole Foods or your local eco store.
- Plastic coffee cups: Trade these cups for reusable coffee mugs or canteens instead. They’re better looking, more convenient, and keep your coffee hotter for longer periods of time.
- Straws: As mentioned above, simply swap out those packs of plastic straws for metal or bamboo.
- Shampoo: Ditch the standard over-the-counter shampoo in plastic bottles for natural conditioning shampoo bars.
- Yoga mats: Invest in a rubber mat, which is eco-friendlier and offers more longevity.
- Dishwashing supplies: Dish scrub brushes are just as effective as sponges – without the plastic packaging.
In general, #theplasticdiet challenge offers you a chance to examine your plastic use and look for ways to cut back. You have an easy and effective way to help the environment, and in the process, you just might discover some new products that you’ll love. To celebrate the 30 Day Challenge, email subscribers will receive 10% off their entire order for the month on January so sign up today @beebagz.com for great tips on how to start #theplasticdiet.
1 comment
Love what youre doing. Going to try the Challenge.