3 Ways to Shop Local

3 Ways to Shop Local

When we were faced with a global pandemic that forced the doors of many businesses to close, we recognized the importance of supporting local businesses. This goes back far prior to the pandemic, however, and will continue to remain just as important far into the future.

While some may be intimidated by the perceived effort that goes into supporting locally, it's much easier than you'd think. There are endless ways for us to support our communities, while maximizing the benefits we experience, too!

Get your groceries from local vendors.

When we purchase foods that are highly processed or produce that is imported, we contribute to lengthy production and transportation processes that harm our environment far more than they need to. On the other hand, when we purchase from local vendors, businesses, and farms, you're able to minimize the distance that your food travels, minimizing pollution and ensuring it is as fresh as can be when it gets to you!

Support small business of all kinds

No matter what you're on the hunt for, more often the not, there's a way to support local businesses doing so. Think thrift shopping for clothing rather than purchasing from big box stores, or opting for locally made candles rather than ordering some on Amazon. By giving some thought to your habitual purchases, with each of them, you'll be able to determine how to best support local businesses wherever you can.

Involve the community with your hobbies.

Supporting local businesses goes beyond the world of shopping. Have you ever thought about how your hobbies and routines might support the community around you? From watching a film at an independent theatre rather than a franchise cinema to taking an art or cooking class rather than watching tutorials online, you can find small ways to get involved with your community while having fun. You'll be surprised at all that you discover!


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